Sandy Thornton

"A story about two people with very different lives"

Chapter One

After a tiring shift at the cafe, Sandy buys groceries from the store. She buys milk, butter, bread and some fruit. Carrying them in a brown paper bag she takes a bus towards her apartment, avoiding everyone in her path. Staring down, she waits for the lift to hit the ground floor, listening.
Three men linger in the shadows, she enters the lift and they swiftly join her. The tallest of the three, and the best built, turns to look at her. He licks his lips and takes out a sharp object from his pocket. The other two men get excited. He turns around and presses the floor button, and tells the two to get out, smirking and saying he needs some privacy. Awkwardly laughing the two men shuffle out. As soon as the door shuts he hits the emergency stop, screeching the lift to a halt.

She looks up, at the man, and he shows her his sharp object and commands her to put down her groceries. She does as she's told. And he kicks the bag to the side, making her jump. She avoids his gaze, as he studies her.
"I'm not going to hurt you babe, I'd never hurt you" he says softly, licking his lips. She watches him put the object away, back into his pocket. "I just want some alone time, with you." he moves closer to her, until she's only inches away. She looks him in the eyes, heart pulsing, and says hurtfully "we're over, there's nothing more to say", she glances away. He looks at her and whispers, "Baby I want you, I .. need you".
At this she looks into his eyes, her eyes expressing a thousand words.
He whispers to her, inching closer, until she could feel his breath on her as he spoke. She could feel the cold chain of his necklace rattle as it hit her body. He whispered her secrets, moments that they had shared together, of what he wanted to do to her. She quivered and tried to glance away. He started kissing her chest moving up to hungrily to her neck. He could feel her body quiver, shaking under his kisses. He kissed her mouth, her body breathing heavily. She began kissing back, expressing her craving, her desire, and then stopped, turning her face away. He grabbed hold of her jaw, and forced his way into her mouth, passionately thirsting for her kiss. She tried to push him away but he was too strong. He pressed his body closer, trying to wrap his way around her, she shoved him, but knew it was useless. Then with one swift kick she struck him between the legs. He groaned with pain falling to the ground, and she gasped as if in need of air. He started cursing, jumped up and shoved her to the ground, bashing her head on the floor. He called her a slut, nothing better than a common-whore. He continued the lift, jolting it to life, turning around only to spit on her before quickly limping away.

Crystal saw him leave the lift, limping angrily down the corridor. She felt alarmed and went to the lift, narrowly catching it before it closed. She entered the lift and gasped, there was Sandy, her friend, lying on the floor sobbing with blood on her head. She grabbed her up and took the lift to the groundfloor, holding her up. She was still sobbing. They walked quickly down the grim street, ands she caressed her long brown hair telling her all was okay, everything was ok, Crystal was here now. She took her to the hospital, and stopped. She turned to and told her this was as far as she could take her, glancing around. She hurried away and Sandy was left, clutching her bruised arm, slowly staggering towards the main entrance. Two Doctors in white coats were drinking coffee and talking, when one noticed her staggering forward, and noticed her faint.

Chapter Two

She awoke with a pounding headache, and heard a voice tell her to remain calm. Her eyes were still blurry and he told her that he has given her a shot of pain relief, and that it's affects would kick-in shortly. That was the last she remembered until she woke up again, what felt like an hour later.
She felt the light shining on her eyes, she opened them, allowing them to adjust. She noticed a man, young with blonde hair, in a white coat. He must be a doctor, she thought. When he saw her come around, he smiled warmly, asking her if she would like some water. She looked at him with a dazed distant expression and he poured her a cold cup of water. She drank it slowly.
"Do you know why you're here?" he asked, as she meekly drank the water. "I..I head? It was bleeding".
He told her she had a small gash on her head, that it was stitched up and that she was given a sedative to reduce the pain. That explained why she phased out.
He asked her if she knew what had happened, to cause the gash, and she said yes, she has fallen and hit her head. She glanced away.
He couldn't help but feel there was something more, something hidden, about her.
"Doctor? We have a patient in room six." he hadn't heard the nurse come in. He looked at his patient, noticed her slightly bruised arm and turned to the nurse to tell her he would be a moment. The nurse nodded and walked away. He gently placed his hand on hers and said, "if you need anything else, I'm Doctor Parker." and with that he left, wondering if he would ever see the mysterious woman again.

Chapter Three

A few days went by, each day dealing with patients of all types, old, young, pregnant. After a gruelling seven hour shift he said goodbye to the various nurses and doctors as he walked out to the hospital car-park. He sat in his car, convertible hood closed, still wearing his white doctors coat, and started the engine.

He drove down the street, noticing the little shops and cafes along the way. At the traffic light he stopped and glanced over at the people crossing the road, having a great time, enjoying life. He rarely could enjoy himself, and he envied there simple pleasures. His life revolved around his work, and he loved his patients, but that was all he had these days. When the light hit green, he decided to swerve the car off the main road and park it nearby. He got out of the car, smelt the fresh air, and felt oddly at peace. He went into a local cafe, it was fairly busy, a good sign he thought. As he queued for a coffee, he over heard a man telling one of the waitresses to audition for a part, that she would be perfect, only she would have to cover the bruise on her arm. This caught his attention, as it would, he was a Doctor after all, it was in his instinct to care. He glanced over to a woman with golden-brown hair holding what must have been a business card, as she thanked him and turned, she caught eyes with him, her doctor. He recognised her, and he opened his mouth to speak, only to realise it was his turn to order.

He recieved his coffee and sat down on an empty table. He shouldn't be so surprised, he thought, this was a local cafe, and he was a doctor, meeting many people a day. He drank his coffee, and after a while she came over.
She smiled and introduced herself, saying that she doesn't know if he remembered her, but she was a patient of his a few days back, and she just wanted to thank him for helping her. He smiled and asked her if she would like to join him, and she agreed, saying that she would join him in a moments time. She was glad to have someone to share her break with.
Moments later she came back with a coffee and sat across him. He asked her if her head was feeling better, and she smiled at him shyly and thanked him. He couldn't help but admire her, she had a stunning kind of beauty, unlike most other women he had met. They talked for about twenty minutes enjoying each others company, until she realised she had to get back to work. He smiled at her and handed her a business card with his mobile number on it, and told her to call him if she ever wanted to talk. She took it, there hands touching briefly, he thought about kissing her there and then, but she said goodbye and turned away.
He left, wondering if he would ever see her again.

After a few minutes Floria couldn't take it any longer! How could Sandy, with her darker hair and quirky looks get so much attention! Not only had she been watching her flirt with a handsome doctor all lunch, but she was given an audition for a small acting role, which she didn't deserve. Floria doubted that Sandy was even interested in acting like she was, life was so unfair! If Sandy wasn't there, then maybe she would be the one chosen to audition, and star in a fabulous new show with men fighting for her and women trying to be her, but now that was all stolen from her. She sighed. She knew it wasn't Sandys fault, but she couldn't help but want revenge, but what if anything should she do about it?

For a few days Doctor Parker came to the cafe, each time waiting to be served by Sandy, and spending a few minutes, sometimes ten, sometimes more, talking to each other. They talked about all different things, mostly about him, never about her.

As they were discussing music, they were interrupted by a rather scruffy questionably dressed woman wanting to speak to Sandy. It was Crystal. Sandy got up, apologised and stood by the wall talking to her. The cafe was still busy so Doctor Parker, or Kane as he became known, could only hear fragments.
From what he could make out, by the way that Sandy exclaimed it, Crystal was in need of $200, money which Sandy did not have. Most of their conversation was hard to make out, but he could hear the last few words, Crystal asking if she was sure, and Sandy replied saying that she wouldn't mind, she would sleep on the couch. It was quite a curious affair, especially to a doctor like Kane.
The next day, after a tiring 6 hour shift, Kane decided that the busy surroundings of a local cafe was not the ideal place to date a woman, too many interruptions. He went to the till, Floria asked him what he would like, and he told her that he was waiting for Sandy. She stared at him curiously, and after a few moments Sandy came to the till carrying used plates. She put them down and smiled radiantly when she saw him. Floria was sick of their daily ogling, they were like sick little puppies, and it bothered her.

Kane greeted Sandy with a smile and an invite, dinner at a local resturaunt, after work tomorrow, to give her luck for her Wednesday audition.

So that's when the audition was, Wednesday. Floria couldn't believe it, a romantic date followed by an audition. It was like her perfect day given to Sandy, someone who didn't deserve, and probably didn't want it.
Poor Kane, she thought, he'll drool all over Sandy until he realises she doesn't really want him, and then it would be too late. Floria had seen it all before, she had heard Sandy and her prostitute friend Crystal talking about it, how she should be with Fernando. Probably another fool doting after her. It seemed unfair, that Sandy should have a hot date and an audition. And it was about time she set the balance straight.

Chapter Four

On Tuesday, Sandy was so excited, today was her date with Kane. He was so dreamy, so genuine, so caring. She wasn't used to dating a man like him, and she was nervous. But she was worried, there was nothing that she had done to deserve his interest, but yet he had asked her on a proper date. She thought he never would.

It took her seven tries to decide on an outfit. She hoped something would cover her broken heart, hide her poor grim life, but she knew that she was asking for too much. And it depressed her.
She was slowly falling for him, but if he knew more about her, she feared it would turn him away. But she put a brave face on, and chose the dress that compliments her slightly golden skin tone the best. She placed it in a bag and made her way to work.

Work did not go without it's complications, she felt that all the tasks were being given to her, and she had to spend 30 minutes washing all the dishes at the end of her shift, time that she did not have.

She ran to the bathroom, slipped out of her tired uniform, and into a floral dress. The dress suited her. With only a few minutes to do her make-up and her hair, she rushed out and walked in her trainers to the resturaunt. When she got there she subtly switched out of her trainers and into a pair of red heels, ones that were praying for an occasion to be worn. They had arranged to meet at six, but she knew that she was at least twenty minutes late.

Making her way to her table, she tried not to nervously stare around, she tried to look confident. When Kane saw her, he stood up. He was staring at her, and then he smiled. This was the first time they had seen each other without uniform, and he realised it hadn't done her natural beauty justice.
When they sat back down he felt nervous, like a child on his first date. They ordered, and he tried not to seem too keen. She was just relieved that he wasn't mad about her lateness. After a few moments she went to the ladies room, and it gave him a few moments to himself. He tried to make himself relax, but it was hard to.

She came out of the ladies room just as the food began arriving. She sat down just as a dark-haired man in a suit, came up to the table, and asked her if she would like to drink, with him.
She placed her hand on-top of Kanes, and told him that she was with somebody. He looked awkward and walked away, just then the starters arrived. Her hand on his, that short moment gave him the confidence to be relaxed, and he didn't want to let her hand go.

The rest of the evening went well, the food was lovely and the wine was great. When the bill came, she offered to split it and pay half. He refused, he said he knew that waitress pay was not great, and that he wanted to pay. She was relieved.
When they decided to leave, he offered her a lift home. She had too much wine in her system to worry. She agreed. She gave him directions to her building. He was silently concerned, the neighbourhood in question was rough, and when he pulled up to her building he felt that he must walk her to her room. At first she refused, saying that he should worry about his car being vandalised. He felt offended, maybe by trying to appear not too keen, he had inadvertedly made her think he didn't care at all. He moved closer to her, forgetting about the seat-belt, and softly told her that he would feel better knowing she got home safely.
They left the car, and walked together into the building, she did not want to take the lift, but he felt uncomfortable walking in the dingy corridors with people smoking and leering around.

They took the lift, and she pressed the third floor. She tried to tell him that she's okay, that she's here safely and that he could leave. She felt ashamed. The corridor was narrow, and there were about four people randomly leering about. He did not feel safe there, and questioned why she did. As they were walking people muttered, and a man tried to grab her arm. It was Fernando, he told her he was sorry, he smelt of alcohol. She shook him off and said that she was with someone, she tried to sound confident but heard the falter in her voice. He looked at Kane aggressively, as Sandy held his hand. It was like a dagger to his heart, he cursed and said she belonged to him. Kane told him to back-off. She feared they would fight, and told Fernando to please leave her alone. He watched them walk away and into her apartment.

Chapter Five

"I'm so sorry" she said, "I really don't know what to say..". She placed her key on the coffee table, and he pretended to admire her apartment. It was small, like a box. He turned to look at her, wondering how someone so beautiful could come from a place so grim. Before he knew it, they were kissing. It was brief and sweet. She pulled away, looked away from him embarrassingly and apologised. He pulled her closer and they kissed. At first it was sweet and delicate, much like her, and then suddenly it became hungry and intense. Just then they heard a noise, the door had opened. It was Crystal. "Guess what Fernando just.." she saw Sandy and Kane in each others arms, "sorry am I interrupting?". Sandy let go of him and said no, and that she should come in.
Kane outstretched his arm and introduced himself, Crystal shook his hand and asked if she could speak to Sandy.

Sandy paused, looking at her inquisitively, then turned to Kane and asked him if he'd like a drink. He asked for water, she gave him a glass and told him she would just be a moment. He sat down on the fraying but comfortable sofa and they entered the bedroom.

Crystal started complaining, asking Sandy why she brought Kane in. She replied saying that it's her apartment, and she can bring whoever she likes to it. All the while Kane could hear.
"You should be with Fernando, you know it, it's meant to be"
"Please, stop! We have had this conversation before."
"Then why won't you be with him! You know I love you, and care for you, please, give him a chance"
"Crystal, I do care for you, I do, but I don't love Fernando, I'm not going to be with him."
"And do you love this doctor?"
..."He's a nice man, Crystal, he's gentle and caring, and I want to date him. Please just be happy for me."
Crystal sighed, "I am happy for you" she said. "Just .. Fernando is so.."
"Please, just leave it." she asked desprately, "..please?"
Just then the door opened, and Kane stood up.
Sandy and Crystal came out.
Kane looked at Sandy, her eyes looked sad and distracted. He wanted to kiss her, but he thought better of it.

She said goodbye, and he wished her good-luck with her audition, and left.
Kane made his way to his car, so many things had happened today. First he had a curious patient, and then the date, the way Sandy looked, it made his heart jump. But this? He knew waitresses were on low pay, but he had no idea, was she really poor? Why hadn't she told him, he could help, or at least try to. And Crystal and Fernando. He knew Crystal was a prostitute, but Fernando? Was he the drunk guy who said she "belongs" to him? So many questions raced his mind. Too many. He felt the more he got to know Sandy, the less he wanted to.

Chapter Six

The cold winds blew on Wednesday morning, the chill managed to wake Sandy as she lay under a blanket on her old frayed couch. It was six, her head felt the slight affects of alcohol. She remembered her date yesterday, and taking him to her apartment. After he left, Crystal and Sandy got drunk, what they got up to she couldn't quite remember.

She hated getting drunk, hated not being in control, but it also sets her free, from worrying and thinking things through. Sometimes she wished she could live in the moment, like Crystal. Just do as you please and say what you feel.
Work began at 9, and she began doing her chores, trying to get lost in them. Kane didn't turn up, not that she expected him to. She only hoped.

She wished she hadn't scared him away, but that may just be what she done. Her life is no way as beautiful as she is, and it constantly sucks her down, into the abyss. It makes her cry. But she puts on a brave face, there are customers to be served, people to speak with. As she is asked to re-stock the drinks, Floria sneaks into her bag, and hides her gold key. She hates that Sandy has it so easy, life is too easy for her. Men just fly out of the sky and onto her lap, and she doesn't even care. There is no way she is going to become famous, when that is all Floria has strived for, for years. No, she decides, life can't be too easy for her, she just doesn't deserve it. And with that she hides her golden room key beneath the fridge, hidden from view.

After washing a handful of trays, Sandy glances at the clock. It reads 4pm. It is time for her to go. She grabs her bag, says farewell to Floria with a distant smile, and heads home.
At the apartment door, Sandy is confused. She cannot find her key.
Luckily Crystal is inside, and opens up. Once inside Sandy explains that she has lost her key, and needs to be able to return after the audition. But Crystal has to visit a client. Without much time, Sandy decides that Crystal should leave the door unlocked whilst she is out. So that she can enter in without a key.

Chapter Seven

The audition went longer than planned. She thought it would take half an hour, but she was called back and had to audition three roles infront of different people. Sandy did not complain, with all the sadness in her life she wished to just forget it and be someone else, live the life of a lie, even if it were just for an audition. After the auditions, Sandy was asked who her agent was, and she confessed that she didn't have one. She left her mobile number and hoped for the best.
After travelling home, she realised how bleak her life was, compared to other peoples lives.

She phoned Kane to apologise about earlier and tell him how her audition went. He invited her to his, and even offered to drive. She agreed and went to her apartment, showered, changed her clothes and left Crystal a note. She received a call from Kane and went outside, smiling for the first time in a while.
He picked her up in his convertible, as he came out of it to greet her, she surprised him with a hug. The ride to his home was silent, the kind that was comfortable, not awkward. She wondered if he felt as comfortable with her as she did with him.

Inside the apartment she was amazed. It was light and airy, three times as big as hers. She noticed that he had a pool, it was shimmering in the sunlight, bouncing off the suns gentle rays.
They sat down on the couch and started to talk. At first they talked about his work, and then her audition. She told him about the repeat auditioning and he suggested that it was a good sign. She hoped so.
They talked about their lives, past and present. He complained about work, saying that he loved his patients, but sometimes he felt like it became his life. He told her that he'd worked all his life to get to this point in life, and now that he was here, he didn't know what to do.
She told him he that she would love to be like him. So confident and kind, caring and gentle. Her life was full of misfortunes, so unlucky that it weighed her down, drowning her.

It was the most each other had confessed to another in a very long time, and it set them free. He asked her if she believed in soul-mates, and she looked him in the eyes, smiled and said, "I do now".


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