OMG Blonde Asian!

"Beauty is what beauty does"

So I was reading my friends blog, where she posted a photo of herself with blonde hair. She's Chinese, so blonde hair should look terrible, right?!
Looking at her picture, the only word that I could think of was..stunning! She looked truly amazing, and I wasn't the only one who thought so!
"This can't be right?" I hear you ask, "surely any asian with blonde hair should look terrible, just like in the photo above!". You could be forgiven for thinking so, after all society has it's way of dictating to us what it believes beauty is. 
According to western society, "beauty is blonde; but only if you're Scandinavian or Caucasian", otherwise we're trained to believe "Ew, non-Caucasian blonde! *points fingers*".
But looking at my friends picture, and those of other asians who go blonde, sometimes I'm left staring at the computer screen, stunned! 
My initial reaction to someone that is Indian, Chinese or any other asian should be "Ew, blonde hair would never look good!", and many times I've heard people say that out-loud, thinking what they're saying is true! So stupid!
However, these people aren't really to blame, are they? After all, they've likely only ever met one asian with blonde hair in their entire life, and my bet is that the shade of blonde they had chosen didn't suit them at all. Did not suit them at all..(echo).. 
Sometimes people find themselves judging everybody from one experience, but is this stereotype fair, does it hold any water?
I believe that society want's to convince us that blonde hair should only suit fair-skinned, pale-eyed Scandinavians. Or just caucasians at the very most. Everyone else with attempting blonde hair should look ugly/trashy/insecure, but.. this is not so!
And to prove my point defiantly I have included an array of photographs for your viewing pleasure. These people have three things in common, they are all asian, all beautiful, and all blonde!

A Malaysian blonde beauty.
Beautiful blonde asian girl.
Male Korean model.
Beautiful Iranian singer.
Miura Haruma, famous Japanese actor.

Beautiful in Blonde
Blonde asian musician.
Mixed heritage girl from New Zealand and India.
There's even a whole forum dedicated to people who stun us with their lovely blonde asian locks. So before we jump to the conclusion that blonde and asians don't mix, keep these images in mind!


Ca Ling said...

Aww thank you. :)!

Some really great pictures, the one in the pink hat is so pretty :D

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