In the Jungle, the Mighty Jungle..

Honestly? I wish I could fast forward time. Everything I do in my day to day life, as in my present presence, it’s all just an investment into my future. And I don’t mind, I mean why would I, if the future were guaranteed..

Life is like a random series of events, all combined together with the single unifying force, you. Without you, your soul spirit and essence, all of life and it’s events would be meaningless. The random events that happen, they have no meaning, all they are in the realest forms are just the product of probability. An earthquake in Japan? Irrelevant, until you place humans on the land. Then it becomes a natural disaster. Earthquakes happen several hundred times A DAY. But only when an earthquake interferes with our life, does it become a disaster.

Maybe we need to realise, that life is not something that we exist in, life exists because of us, we distort the field of reality giving meaning to insignificant events, when in reality they are just the product of mere probability.

Consider this, you’re in a calm forest, as you walk slowly you silently admire the sights and sounds of the wildlife, listening to the hum of natures sounds, when suddenly a mighty tree screeches, groans and falls. Why does it fall? you ask yourself, once you realise your safety remains unaffected. The soft thud of a mighty tree hitting the ground commands silence. You pause. Moments later the gentle hum of forest wildlife continues once more, as if not a thing had changed. Only it had, there was a vast tree laying on the ground at the mercy of all other creatures, where once more it had stood so proud, commanding the skies so proudly. Why did this tree fall? There was no huge commotion prior to it’s demise, and only one tree out of the many had fallen. There is no explanation for the improbable event. It is only when you study the tree more carefully that you realise all the ailments that could have befallen it. Was it an accumulation of a life battered by strong winds, perhaps it was due to a weak trunk softened by moss, fungus and bacteria. “Or could the animals in the forest be a culprit?” you ask, noticing a series of animals leering towards the befallen tree with curiosity. Or maybe it had rained, rained so heavily that it weakened it’s soil, or lightning could have struck damaging it’s roots.. They are all in themselves small incidents, none of which very likely to happen to a scale large enough to bring down a tree, but there it was laying calmly only steps away from your feet.

In reality, it was probably an accumulation of these small-scale events that, although insignificant and mundane on it’s own, when combined strengthened and astonishingly toppled even the mightiest of trees. Perhaps what we see as large singular events, however improbable, are just the by-product of smaller more probable events, which are in themselves construed of a series of smaller events more probable events. What we see in life, are the big events, the massive earthquakes, the life-killing Tsunamis, but how often do we analyse reality for what it truly is, and recognise it as the accumulation of many small probable events, which can often lead to mighty and improbable things.

A seemingly strong tree, standing mighty and proud in the midst of a forest, can one day topple as frailly as a cobweb blown away in the wind. Life is meaningless, until we give it meaning. We are the meaning of it all. All these events that happen around us are just improbable events caused by the accumulation of tiny probable events. All these events, mean nothing without you.


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